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Bishop Ireton High School's

38th Annual Golf Classic

May 5, 2025
Mount Vernon Country Club, Alexandria, Virginia

You're Invited!

We are pleased to present the 38th Annual Bishop Ireton Golf Classic. More than 130 golfers are expected to attend this event, which will include alumni, current parents, alumni families, corporate sponsors, businesses and philanthropic leaders. With your support, the Bishop Ireton Golf Classic will continue to be a successful event year after year.

Since 1988, this event has helped raise more than $2 million to enhance financial aid for students, provide funds for ongoing projects, support the Athletic Department, and give back to the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.


If you’re unable to join us for golf, please make sure to bid on some outstanding silent auction items. Check back in April 2025 for an updated listing of items available for purchase/bid.

We hope to see you there!

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Thank you to our Sponsors!